...Samuel L. Bronkowitz Presents: "Shut'cher Gobbige Mowf!"
This is a sneak preview of my relaunched blog. Here is what you can expect when I tell people to "shut they gobbige mowfs"...
You can expect face-meltingly awesome satire, like a sneak preview from R. Kelly's memoirs.
You can expect scathing commentary, such as my thoughts on Republican Convention's "Tribute To 9/11."
When conservatives first started railing about "taking the country back", I had something to say.
There may even be more personal posts as well.
Stay tuned!
Now, let me answer some questions that no one have asked.
Q: Why that title? What does it mean?
A: When I was in Paratrooper school, one of the Airborne instructors was possibly psychotic. One of his favorite quotes was "Shut your garbage mouths", especially when we expressed our agony at doing a metric ton of push-ups, or when we expressed dismay at practicing our drops onto a steel rebar beam that poked through the sawdust. And then there was the bunny-hops. Oh, the bunny hops.
Q: Are the above things the only things you'll talk about?
A: No. I'm a liberal/progressive Christian, and I will talk about all of the things out there that work my nerves... like the Evangelical Right's distortion of Christianity, racism, local politics, national politics, pop culture, the fact that I Used To Love H.E.R. (tm - Common), and so forth.
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