"Do I detect a bit of the self-congratulatory in your tone?"
Very observant, Detective Pembleton. And why am I patting myself on the back, and why am I updating this for the first time in months?
It's because a tweet of mine got quoted nationwide. Everyone knows the story of Antoinette Huff, the bookkeeper who talked an armed gunman out of shooting up an entire school. I tweeted that her unmistakable act of bravery forever rendered NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre's argument null and void. His argument was that the only way to stop a bad man with a gun is with a good man with a gun. Ms. Huff, armed with only her faith in God (which is a powerful weapon in its own right), spoke to the assailant and got him to surrender to the police.
Recently, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell did a segment where Antoinette Huff answered Twitter questions. And at the 1:05 mark, Richard Wolff begins to introduce my tweet. Here it is in all of its glory:
"See? Toldja."
So, for this fleeting moment, something I wrote was featured on a global scale. On the Last Word FB page, I was even mentioned by name (as a viewer of "The Last Word", which I am). This teeny bit of recognition sparked me to get off my duff, metaphorically speaking, and do one of the things that I do well, which is telling people to SHUT THEY GOBBIGE MOWFS...
I Don't Want You... I Want Who Vouched For You...
...which brings me to today's point.
It is no secret that Ted Nugent is a reprehensible coward and a pseudo-patriotic gun nut. It's also no secret that he crapped his pants and went through an elaborate scheme to avoid military service, and yet he acts as if he was on the front lines of every American conflict since the Revolutionary War. The Right-wingers lap up every racist, sexist word as if it were candy. He has made comments against Hillary Clinton, and President Obama continues to be a favorite target of his. Nugent went beyond the pale for even Nugent when he called President Obama a mongrel and a chimpanzee, and commented that Hillary Clinton has testicles to spare. As vile and as disgusting as Nugent's words are, he's not my primary target.
My primary target is Congressman Steve Stockman. Why? Because last year, Congressman Stockman invited that racist coward Nugent to the 2013 State of the Union address. When Congressman Stockman did that, he vouched for Nugent. He basically co-signed every hateful, misogynistic, racist comment that Nugent ever uttered. As an elected official, Stockman decided that Ted Nugent was just the kind of American to take America back from the hands of the Black man.
This has me thinking: How does Stockman feel about Ted Nugent's comments? Is he going to repudiate them, distance himself from them? Or is his silence a sign of approval for Nugent? Imagine if a liberal pundit said something disgusting about former Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice. And imagine if a gun nut talked about taking the White House (and the country) back from the hands of President Bush, by force, if necessary. People like Stockman would have their undies in a bunch about "traitors" and disrespecting the office of the Presidency. When Stockman invited Nugent to the White House, he showed that he does NOT respect the office of the Presidency. He does not respect decorum, or adult conversation.
By the way, I posted the following comments on Steve Stockman's Facebook page. See it before it gets deleted.
It's a lot better than your last guest, Congressman. By the way, do you share that coward Ted Nugent's comments about President Obama being a chimpanzee and a subhuman mongrel? Do you believe that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has extra testicles?It will be interesting to see how long this comment lasts. And for every one of the Right Wing that doesn't stand up against the putrid garbage that spews from Nugent, the same applies to them. Nugent is low-hanging fruit. Elected officials, you need to either stand up and condemn NRA BOARD MEMBER Ted Nugent once and for all...
When you invited that racist scumbag to the State of the Union address, you vouched for him. You co-signed every hateful, racist, misogynistic word that was ever uttered by this draft-dodging pseudo patriotic coward. It's one thing to disagree with the President. But by inviting Nugent to the State of the Union Address, you have shown that you don't even respect the OFFICE of the Presidency, regardless of who the President is.
Do you feel the same way about women and minorities as Nugent? If not, then I haven't heard you condemn YOUR State of the Union Address' guest on his unmistakably vile and disrespectful comments. I don't expect much from a man who deliberately crapped his pants to avoid military service (and yet he's praised as some sort of patriotic hero... go figure). But I would expect at least a MODICUM of decency from an elected official.
Mr. Stockman, the ball's in your court.
...or shut'cher gobbige mowfs. The whole lot of you.
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